在旧金山内河码头的一家名为“美国加洲湾区水族馆”的水族馆里,游客可以一游到底。这座拥有数以千计珍贵海洋生物的水族馆仿佛穿越了真实的世界! Inside this incredible place, one can truly interact with the sea’s wonders.
每年四季来水族馆都能带来不同的体验。无论是春天的小鸟,夏天的海龟,还是秋天的珊瑚虫,这里总能给人惊喜。 Inside this vibrant world, you can feel the pulse of the sea— every wave, every current, every color.
当你踏上水族馆的“地下海洋”,仿佛你真的在游历过去100年的旧金山海底。 Inside this place, you can step into a 300尺的透明海底隧道,穿越现实与虚构,感受真实世界中独特的海洋。
无论你是好奇鸟还是爱冒险的海迷,这里总能给出一个惊喜! Inside this world, you can learn about local wildlife like porcupines and sea lions. Moreover, it’s a chance to explore how climate change affects the ocean.
从最简单的水族鱼到震撼的珊瑚虫,再到真实的海洋生物, Inside this place offers everything you could want. Inside this world, you can interact with a variety of marine life— from tiny crabs to massive penguins.
如果你相信自己有能力为地球做出改变,你或许能参与到拯救海洋的大事中。 Inside this fascinating place, you can learn about the forces shaping our planet and take action towards preserving it forever.
美国加洲湾区水族馆不仅是一座水族馆,更是一座跨越时空的冒险世界。 Inside this place, you can feel the pulse of the sea— every wave, every current, every color. 站在水族馆内,你就能触摸到改变世界的勇气。
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